China/EU Partnership

China/ EU Strategic Partnership To identify the main elements of the long-term relationship between China and the EU in the context of their respective perspectives on priorities, processes and common institutions, with particular reference to trade liberalisation, monetary stability, conflict prevention, climate change and the preservation of global institutions devoted to peaceful and sustainable development. BACK

Irish Social and Economic Development

Ireland’s Social and Economic Development To present Chinese policy makers with an insight into Ireland’s transition from a poor agricultural economy to a rich high-tech society; the policies and instruments on which that success is based; Ireland’s role in international trade; its membership of the European Union and its future prospects as a small open economy reliant on human capital development and the maintenance of European and global free trade.

Global Governance

Global Governance To study the institutional reforms necessitated by the re-ordering of global economic relations consequent to the emergence of China as the world’s largest economy, in particular the IMF, World Bank, WTO and UN organisations; to understand the rationale for, and implications of, the creation of new organisations by China, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

The Fight Against Climate Change

The Fight Against Climate Change To identify the key policy objectives set down by China in respect of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change; to examine the means whereby these objectives are to achieved in terms of time-frames, technologies and feasibility; to follow the introduction and evolution of regional, sectoral and national carbon markets and their influence on analogous markets elsewhere; to study Chinese strategies on the decarbonisation of industry, agriculture, services and transport and its evolution towards a low-carbon circular economy.

One Belt One Road

One Belt One Road To study the rationale behind the proposal to create One Belt One Road; to gain an understanding of the process by which it will be built out; to evaluate the economic and political benefits accruing from its creation; to identify the major infrastructural projects that will constitute the One Belt One Road, their financing, governance and operation, and to analyse their implications for the global economy and their impact on international relations.

China’s Foreign Policy

China’s Foreign Policy To evaluate China’s foreign policy objectives in the context of its history as a global and regional power and its re-emergence as a major player in the international order; to gain a deeper understanding of its commitment to peaceful co-existence and to the resolution of international disputes, its engagement with the UN and other global organisations, and on a continuing basis, to assess its bi-lateral relations with other countries and regions.

Five Year Planning Process

Five Year Planning Process To study the processes by which the Five Year Plans are determined; to identify the key economic and social objectives set for the current plan; to analyse the evolution of the national development strategy in respect of the transition from an agricultural to an urban high tech society and to develop a clear understanding of the short to medium-term goals in the context of the ambition to create a prosperous China by 2049.

China’s Reform Programme

China’s Reform Programme To understand the rationale behind China’s reform programme; to analyse its long-term political, social and economic objectives; to identify the main institutional reforms being undertaken in pursuit of those objectives; to assess progress to date and to study the implications of the reform programme for Chinese domestic policy and the role of China in the world.

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